Dear Friends and Members of Shepherd of the Hills,


I’m writing to you in regard to the shock and awe of the events that transpired and continue to transpire in Israel.  Once again, we see the chaos of sin in our world unfolding in the turmoil of war. We pray for peace.  We pray for the families of those who have died.  We pray for those who are injured.  We pray for quick resolution to this conflict and all conflict of war.  We pray for the leaders of the people involved that they would be wise and seek that which is best for the peace and well being of the people.  We pray against the evil and atrocities committed. We pray for our own leaders that they would be wise in the support of our ally.  We pray, “come Lord Jesus.” 


Pastor Flamme, who lead our trip through the Holy Land, spoke well as we consider these events. He had this to share with those of us on the trip.


Dear Friends,


It's only been a few months since we've been to the Holy Land. The descriptions and images of violence are heartrending. The devil stirs up violence and strife everywhere in this world and it is only by God's grace that we are spared. Therefore, take a moment today to thank God for our safe journeys. Also, we should pray for the peace of everyone afflicted by this senseless attack.


Praise God that the true peace of Jerusalem, which we pray for in Psalm 122, has already been won through the death and resurrection of Christ. If only those who live now in present day Palestine and Israel would receive this peace with faith and show it among one another. 


We should pray they come to know Christ. We should also pray for the many Christians who are suffering, caught in the crossfire of this terrible hatred among the nations.


Almighty and everlasting God, the Consolation of the sorrowful and the Strength of the weak, may the prayers of those in this tribulation or distress who cry unto Thee, graciously come before Thee, so that in all their necessities they may mark and receive Thy manifold help and comfort; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


In Christ,


Pr Brian Flamme


As Christian people we see and understand this conflict on an even deeper level.  This conflict in the Holy Land is not unique from conflicts around the world.  It is a conflict between peoples and nations.  Yet this war, like all war, will pass away when Jesus comes to make all things new.  Until then, may Our Lord, who through His life, suffering, death and resurrection brought peace to all who believe, bring peace in conflict and strengthen our faith in the midst of suffering and angst. 


In His Love and Service,

Pastor Rust